051 901616
Mon - Fri from 9.00 am to 6.30 pm


Please do not hesitate to contact us for any information, quote or request, using the form on the side or calling our direct contact numbers.

EFFETI s.r.l.

Via G.Leopardi, 2
Cento – 44042 (FE)

Tel. +39 051 901616
Fax. +39 051 904437

Mail: [email protected]

P.Iva e C.F. 00168480382

    I hereby declare that I have read the Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of data - See the PRIVACY POLICY
    Assistenza Ricambi | Effeti | Produzione gruppi Elettrogeni | Ferrara


    For EFFETI customers the importance of service quality weights, when choosing our products, as much as the price of the product itself. For this reason over the years EFFETI has set up differentiated after-sales service support with two types of assistance:
    1. STANDARD: ordinary maintenance package for the years following the purchase.
    2. EMERGENCY: fast response, with intervention at the customer's site.

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    Ricerca, Progettazione e produzione | Effeti | Produzione gruppi Elettrogeni | Ferrara


    Effeti designs and manufactures customized power solutions in the form of power generators for the most important Italian companies in the railway, marine and aviation industries.

    In addition to the well-established production of power generators for the most important Italian companies, the EFFETI team takes care of the scheduled or emergency maintenance of all machinery used by its customers.

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    Qualità e Certificazioni | Effeti | Produzione gruppi Elettrogeni | Ferrara

    Quality and certification

    Effeti has been ISO 9001 certified since 1998.
    The company has always ensured consistent quality levels in its products.
    When an act was passed in 1995 requiring all suppliers to state agencies to obtain the ISO 9001 certification, EFFETI had its existing standards approved within a short time: procedures, testing, audits in the production line were consolidated business practices even before certification was required by law

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